Startups to focus on products (which are hotter than Jennifer Lawrence)

You need a very product-oriented culture… Lots of companies have great engineers and smart people. …..there needs to be some gravitational force that pulls it all together.” – Steve Jobs 

Keeping aside “Jennifer Lawrence” , focus on a product is key than wondering here and there .


Product is the key

1. Focus on the product, MVP, the flow of the process and project.

Why our world would end, if start-ups disappeared?

This is one crazy year, my direction in career changed due to various reasons. During crazy year have been seen various paths (Investment arrangement, start-up consulting).  Some of the learning’s are documented here.

Usually, people think, start-up is the very straight forward journey. But after successive failures, you see the final success (if firm is still alive).

IDEAS – dime a dozen

There are many start-ups’s are just following earlier start-ups or creating same models of facebook, Amazon, micro-soft, Apple, eCommerce and mobile applications.
Innovation is missing everywhere. Unless  you innovate, you are bound to fail.
A start-up should decide what is way forward?
What are we achieving by doing this?

No one wants another “eCommrce” or “Quickr”?

If you can not innovate, it is better you ignore you startup idea. 

It is learned, people chase wrong products, ideas, people, co-founders.  You would need have all departments covered.

Business model first?

Usually, people plan a journey and see pros and cons, before they start their journey. You need a road-map.

First and foremost thing is working on “business model canvas”


Image result for people need faster horses

Enterpenuer connect

CEO’s or founders to be connected with all departments. Rather than micro-managing plan all departments, plan for each department owned by each individual

De-centralization of the activities. Each every team should have daily check-points, rather than CEO or founders taking all responsibilties.

In start-up’s it is essential to focus on each departments.

Image result for hub and spoke organizational model
1. Product dev

2. Marketing

3. Pre-sales

4. Funding

5. Loans and investments

Simplest way of exit strategy:

Simplest way ……..
There is no way ………………..
Unless you plan one.

Image result for planning for exit


“Test Driven Development” VS start-up planning

In “Test Driven Development”   you make/write one program, before that you write a test case to fail/Pass. 
If a student fails the exam, he/she failed during the entire year. It is not that day alone. Planning for failure is the “fist step in ” entrepreneur ship.


Unless you plan for an exit strategy, you will exit without a trace.  Same is applicable for job/revenues. Planning one would always help. 

Where are we travelling?

The pitch deck is a presentation (an elaborated resume of the firm) which is used in firm and investor connect. The last and final slide is “exit strategy”.

In other words, what if fails?

  • In general project management
    • Risk mitigation is defined as taking steps to reduce adverse effects. There are four types of risk mitigation strategies that hold unique to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. It’s important to develop a strategy that closely relates to and matches your company’s profile
  • Plan to risk from the beginning
General thought on exit:
1. It is always good to aim high.
2. Having planning at high is good.
why don’t think an exit strategy???
Thinking “what if fails?”  is actually good entrepreneurs strategy.
I am not PESSIMIST, if you are planning “Everything” well does not help anyway
1. You can not have 15 years (housing/Office) lease, thinking that your firm will become next FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, MICROSOFT.
2. Keeping it low is always good.
Image result for planning for exit


Hope this helps


Why life planning will make you question everything

What is work? 

Mukund Mohan (@mukund)  is a serial entrepreneur. He has written many inspiring articles and well known for his leadership in start-up world:)

Work” is really a man-made concept. As a friend put it yesterday, it is exchange / creation of value for goods and services desired. If we can abstract why we need to work from why we want to work, then it becomes a question of bringing value to another human’s life.

Flipkart App Continue reading

Top 13 reasons, your start-up/products will fail

Being observing startup and product development for many years either work or during the job search.By the way, they are not in particular order.

#1 Strategy is missing

Lacking in the what the product/startup should be?. Just because someone is hit (read Amazon, Flipkart, Google, Food Apps, Delivery apps, Oyo, AniBnb), you are starting the same stuff.

Image result for zebra crossing

Just because zebra, is able to cross the roads, people think they have to be like zebra to cross the road. They will keep firms and product at cross-roads.

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Lean, Agile – snapshot

Thanks for nice response on articles on Lean and Agile **

In this article, initial small intro on Lean and Agile. After that, have provided links. Some of the links might be broken, and would have re-write older articles  

Before we go through, we would need highlight process should be part of the product journey. But system thinking, greater architecture, collaborated team efforts and balanced work and best work ethics as well as respect to individuals 

People often confuse between Lean and Agile

Lean is how to maximize customer value while minimizing the waste. Lean means creating more value.

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Find How Cloud Computing Could Benefit Education Sector

Cloud is allowing Businesses to allocate more resources to their Core Function, as it runs on a Opex Model. Because of this flexibility Businesses can now focus on Service Excellence. 

Likewise with Cloud Education institutions too will be able to Focus and Achieve Service/Education Excellence, and this is so much better for the future of the world. We will have a lot more people who will be far better educated from the current standards. 

Seven Cloud Computing Myths

Here are Seven Most Common Myths Around Cloud Computing1. Data is not safe: Data is actually more safe on Cloud as there are more resources dedicated to secure the data and the machines.

2. Cloud is expensive: Cloud is Not expensive as you pay only for what you use, you never pay for extra capacity that goes unused.

3. Cloud is New so not for me: Yes new technology is called new because it has got some features that are disruptive. If you rightly identify those disruptive features and ride them before your competition does, you will be the new dominating force in your industry.

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